To register to ArAS SfA-Adv3, three steps should be followed:
- Fill in the registration form Registration Form and send the requested documents by April 30, 2023.
Your comprehensive CV
Two signed recommendation letters (should contain the phone number and the email of the person who recommends - Can be sent by April 30, 2023)
A Short motivation statement (explain why it's important for you to attend ArAS SfA and briefly state your expectations from this school)
Registration fees:
Please the registration fees to be paid upon arrival:
- Egyptian applicants:
- 500 EGP (SSAS, Egypt members)
- 600 EGP (non SSAS, Egypt members)
- Non Egyptian applicants:
- $150 (non ArAS members)
- $100 (ArAS membres - must be a member before the start of the school)
Applications will be accepted only from students with the following requirements:
- Master and/or Ph.D. students in physics and/or astronomy only, no other specialties will be considered.
- Strong physics background is a must
- All files submitted must have the following name convention:
- FirstName_LastName-CV
- FirstName_LastName-Recom
- FirstName_LastName-MotivationLetter