
To register to ArAS SfA-5, three steps should be followed:
  1. Fill in the registration form Registration Form and send the requested documents by June 22, 2021.
If your are selected, we will contact you by July 15, 2021

Registration fees:
ArAS Members: $50
Non ArAS Members: $100.

  • NRIAG will fund airfair tickets for four Arab students upon arrival (up to 5000 Egyptian pounds for each ticket).
  • ArAS Membership fees are waved for 2021. Please consider to join us here

  • Requirements:
    Applications will be accepted only from students with the following requirements:
    1. Master and/or Ph.D. students in physics and/or astronomy only, no other specialties will be considered.
    2. Strong physics background is a must
    3. All files submitted must have the following name convention:
    • FirstName_LastName-CV
    • FirstName_LastName-Recom1
    • FirstName_LastName-Recom2
    • FirstName_LastName-MotivationLetter